Thursday, August 7, 2014

Question of the Day:

Question of the Day:

What Census Record Fields to you put into FACTS for a 1940 US Federal Census Record?

I am only asking about what FACTS do you include in your genealogy database from a 1940 US Federal Census Record. For each Fact, what do you enter in the Date field, Location field, and the Description field.


  1. Magnus Sälgö 

    Good stuff

    So, from a Census Record, what FACTS to you enter information from a US Federal Census Record.

    You mentioned Residence Fact. Is that the ONLY Fact that you enter from that Census Record?

    Where do you get "Moved In" data from? That is not in a US Census Record?

    That information is all good stuff, but my question was Specifically about information from a US Federal Census Record.

    Thank you,


  2. I would enter each bit of information the enumerator filled in about each person, (not sure I would call them facts) and use the information from the top of the page for date, location, with more on the source of the actual document  in the description area

  3. Elizabeth McMurrey 

    So, of the 34 Columns in that Census Record, you created FACTS for each of those columns and enter what is on that row for that person?

    When I say Facts, I am talking about what our Genealogy Database management programs call those fields.

    Mine, of course, is Family Tree Maker.


  4. My Bad, maybe I misunderstood the question.  Are you asking about what you put in the source area or on each individual sheet for persons listed?  I  use all the enumerated information (that is filled, in some fields are blank) for each individual it belongs to, and create one source for the census page itself, using date and location of the enumeration and refer to that source for each fact gained from it.  Forgive me if I'm still not answering the question you are asking.  :-)

  5. I am asking, in FTM2014, what FACTS to you enter information into, from a 1940 US Federal Census Record.

    I am not talking about Source information.

    As they say

    Just the Facts

    Thank you,


  6. Randy Seaver 

    Great blog post. Thank you.


  7. Magnus Sälgö

    I appreciate what you are saying. But my question was specifically about how YOU record information from the 1940 US Federal Census.

    You are bringing in other records and what you do with all of the records. Well beyond the scope of my question.

    Thank you


  8. Magnus Sälgö 

    Understand. This is about Discussion, but I am trying to be very focused on the QUESTION asked.

    You can always open your own discussion HERE. If you want to create a post on the use of the Residence Fact, please do. I pinned at the top of the Community two basic pieces of information that need to be in your Question and the Community can respond to your post.

    I am trying to keep the questions very specific and try to keep the responses to the Question asked.

    Thank you.


  9. I write all the facts and then copy and paste it into each family members's facts. I used to put the census data into each person's facts next to census on ancestry, but now I use facts/person. Much easier. Head household and name (spelled as appears) I usually don't put M/F unless name doesn't indicate clearly. Owned or rented home and value and I write farm if it is a farm. I don't use race unless other than white/cauc. Age, marital, note if they were in school since 1 Mar,1 1940 and the highest grade attended-I write this out. Birth, where did they live on 1 April 1935 listing: 1935: city, county, state, farm if yes. I take note of any yeses in the work section. then occupation, including none, industry and income. I use this later to confirm with city directory information At the top of the notes I write the date, township, county, state and I look on the side for any street notes. I might also look on the page before, rest of that page and the page after and note neighbors or maybe-relatives to be used later. I might also note what jobs most people have, like miners or I might also note if most houses are worth more or less...

  10. Kim Hanks 

    Just to clarify, you type, copy and paste this information into Notes?

    If so, that sounds like what Randy Seaver does in his blog post.

    Do you use and FACTs to record these notes? If so, which Fact(s) do you use.

    Thank you,


  11. Russ Worthington Yes you've got it! Except I type into one of the family's person notes section, copy and paste it into the other family members. I don't use an external document. Also I am a "lumper" like Randy Seaver . I just record the date and the location. I used to put all the notes in description, but no longer do that. I may pull out a detail later when I have multiple sources of documentation for occupation, for example and then note this as a source for that too.

  12. I enter my census info.  much the same way Randy Seaver does, except that I also add a new fact for the occupation if one is listed.


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