Tuesday, January 29, 2019

User Question: How can I search for my DNA Matches

User Question:
"I've been attaching the DNA Match Confirmed fact to my DNA matches in FTM 2017. Now is there a way to do a search or report to find all those people?" 
My Answer:

You have a FACT called "DNA Match Confirmed" ? Great! That's the first step. (oh, and cite that fact)

You can FILTER in Everyone with that has that Fact. Filter, Filter In, All Facts, Select that DNA Match Confirmed Fact, Any Data, Exits.

Any of my Filter In, Filter Out blog posts goes into more detail.


The key is that you created a FACT, so you can Filter On Facts

Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Extra, Extra, Read ALL about it !!!

Extra, Extra, Read ALL about it !!!

I have taken the Content of this Google+ Community and have created a Blog which has the Content of this Community.

Here is a link to it -- https://cousinrusscommunity.blogspot.com/ -- I will probably continue to cross post Blog posts from https://ftmuser.blogspot.com. I wanted a way for folks to ask questions, so there is a Tab on the Blog for you to do that, if you wish.

When a question is asked, I will then create a Blog post with that question and an answer, but would encourage others to comment on that specific blog post. IF I use that question for my Family Tree Maker Blog, I will provide the question and a link to the specific blog with an answer.

The comments are moderated and will not be immediately published. Once a question has been handled, that question will be removed of that tab.

As before, this blog, as was this community, can go beyond the Family Tree Maker program.

Also, please use the LABEL list down the left column, as I have tried to put the posts in this community into appropriate Labels.

Don't forget the Search field in the upper Left column.

Sign up, if you wish, to receive notifications from this new blog.

Thank your support in this Community, but hope the new blog will help continue our conversation.

Thank you,

Cousin Russ

Copyright © 2019 by Cousin Russ

Friday, January 18, 2019

To All member of this community.

To All member of this community.

I respectfully ask that Companies and Societies, when Posting in this community, post are yourself, a Person. I allow societies and companies to join, but I want to communicate with People, the Person behind the company or society.

Thank you,
