Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Another post on this topic but Genea-buddy Randy Seaver. Thank you Randy

Saturday, August 26, 2017

And Dear MYRTLE has a blog post on the same topic

And Dear MYRTLE has a blog post on the same topic

Originally shared by Pat Richley-Erickson


Perhaps you can help me restate a problem and advise me on how to report it.

Perhaps you can help me restate a problem and advise me on how to report it. It is an Ancestry error which when allowed to merge into an FTM database will create a family error.
The Ancestry index entryhttp://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=7602&h=77717401&indiv=try
for the Nelson Hinds family in 1900 US Census in Rangeley, Franklin, Maine
has combined two neighboring households. If this record is merged into a tree profile for Nelson Hinds in FTM without any correction, Annie Twombly appears as a wife of Nelson Hinds. This has resulted in several incorrect Ancestry Member Trees
Nelson ?? Hinds 38
Etta P Hinds 27
Pearl H Hinds 60
Harlon W Hinds 8
Agnes L Hinds 6
Lula A Hinds 3
Wallis L Twombly 47
Annie G Twombly 36
Nellie E Twombly 17
Katie I Twombly 15
Nabby F Twombly 13
Almina M Twombly 12
Carol E Twombly 9
Lucy M Twombly 3
Margueriti G Twombly 4/12
I have reported it to Ancestry using the "Report Issue" prompt, but I am not confident that it will reach the correct person, or that I explained it well enough.

I am truly grateful to have had the opportunity to learn best practices from your posts, and I fortunately do not add information to my tree without reviewing and editing first.