Friday, January 16, 2015

Questions about Certificates

Questions about Certificates

I have seen a number of questions about capturing information from official Certificates. Here is an example of what I capture from a Death Certificate.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

DearMYRTLE and I talk about Notes, and where to put them. I covered howI use the various Notes fields in FTM2014.

DearMYRTLE  and I talk about Notes, and where to put them. I covered how I use the various Notes fields in FTM2014. 

There are many comments in the DearMYRTLE community under the video here:


Originally shared by DearMYRTLE

HERE is where all may VIEW and COMMENT on tonight's WACKY Wednesday: Where DO my notes go? I'll post the link to JOIN the panel in comments below. We begin as follows:

9pm Eastern (New York)
8pm Central (Chicago)
7pm Mountain (Denver, Salt Lake City)
6pm Pacific (Los Angeles)
UTC-7 hours

If you need a time zone converter, this is the one Ol' Myrt uses:

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hi Cousin Russ.

Hi Cousin Russ...I have a FTM2014 question. I am using the windows version. I believe I have heard you say before that you use the task list to keep track of your to do's. If you sync your FTM file to and them have to download that tree back down to FTM a at some point, does the task list come back with it? I dint want to lose my to do's if for some reason I have to restore my FTM file from my tree. Thank you!

Adding an Index to my Evernote Notebook

Adding an Index to my Evernote Notebook

Friday, January 9, 2015

Genealogy Do-Over - Shaky Leaf Hint Management

Genealogy Do-Over - Shaky Leaf Hint Management

Adding a Note for handling the Shaky Leaf Hints that include a link to an external EXCEL spreadsheet

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Here is a great Tip from DearMYRTLE

Here is a great Tip from DearMYRTLE 

Originally shared by Pat Richley-Erickson

This is what the Genealogy Do-Over looks like for my research.
Thomas MacEntee

#genealogy #ancestry #GenealogyDoOver

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Genealogy Do-Over - Know Your Facts

Genealogy Do-Over - Know Your Facts

I attempted my FTM2014 when the following was displayed: Anunfixable "Missing FTM Data error" occurred while...

I attempted my FTM2014 when the following was displayed: An unfixable "Missing FTM Data error" occurred while analyzing online changes. Unfortunately, you will need to unlink and relink your tree. When I clicked for online help I see that if I unlink and relink all info will not be available on the o;d tree. How does that affect my DNA portion of the tree? Should I unlink?