Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hi Cousin Russ.

Hi Cousin Russ...I have a FTM2014 question. I am using the windows version. I believe I have heard you say before that you use the task list to keep track of your to do's. If you sync your FTM file to Ancestry.com and them have to download that tree back down to FTM a at some point, does the task list come back with it? I dint want to lose my to do's if for some reason I have to restore my FTM file from my Ancestry.com tree. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Diane Minor 

    You can't see the Task List / ToDo list in your Ancestry Member Tree. 

    I think I tested this much earlier, but IF you have to a Restore from the Ancestry Member Tree, the Task List will be there.

    I always Back Up to an External Drive and Restore from there. But I do think I tested that earlier.



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