Monday, January 5, 2015

A Tip from a member of this community that really works for me. Thankyou ---- My Library - A Top from a Reader

A Tip from a member of this community that really works for me. Thank you ---- My Library - A Top from a Reader


  1. I use for the same purpose.

  2. Jill Ball 

    Yes, i know a number of people who do. In fact, I have a LibraryThing, but haven't kept it up to date. I have found that this works for me.

    I did most of my Data Entry using an iPhone APP that would WiFi the ISBN Number to Book Collector. There is a charge for it now, and any book that I buy will be one at a time, and infrequently.

    AND, like LibraryThing, I have access to it from my SmartPhone or iPad.


  3. I have librarything but I only have some of my books on it.

  4. Cousin Russ - Thanks for the shout out! I feel very honored that you tried out my tip.  Another reason I love the program is that I can keep track of books I've loaned out to other people. I can't tell you how many times I've loaned a book and forget who I loaned it to when I need it.

  5. Sherri Hessick 

    It was a great idea. I had done a couple of "shelves" with your suggestion, so I just had to acknowledge the suggestion and had to share it.

    No more duplicated books and No more "I forgot who I lent that book to".

    Thanks again for your suggestion.



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