Thursday, January 1, 2015

I attempted my FTM2014 when the following was displayed: Anunfixable "Missing FTM Data error" occurred while...

I attempted my FTM2014 when the following was displayed: An unfixable "Missing FTM Data error" occurred while analyzing online changes. Unfortunately, you will need to unlink and relink your tree. When I clicked for online help I see that if I unlink and relink all info will not be available on the o;d tree. How does that affect my DNA portion of the tree? Should I unlink?


  1. June

    When are you available so that you and I can do a Hangout ?

    What file was downloaded? Was it the file name gave you? Did you double click on the file name OR as the instructions say, right click and Run As administrator?

    You should NOT have received any error message.


  2. Right click and run as administrator. Sometime tomorrow of after Monday's with Myrt is fine with me. I appreciate it. Right now my mind is racing a a mile a minute, unable to focus.

  3. Just let me know when you have a few minutes to get through this.

    Was the Filename the one I suggested?



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