Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Well, this helps my adjust my "online" plans. Moving my Genealogy toDropbox, but in a far more organized way.

Well, this helps my adjust my "online" plans. Moving my Genealogy to Dropbox, but in a far more organized way.

Thank you Dick Eastman

DearMYRTLE and I have added another Short Subject to our list. This oneis about Hosting a Virtual meeing.

DearMYRTLE and I have added another Short Subject to our list. This one is about Hosting a Virtual meeing.

Originally shared by Pat Richley-Erickson

Cousin Russ and DearMYRTLE introduce their new short subject video series, all about VIRTUAL MEETINGS.

I am getting to my earlier ancestors for the Nelson line.

I am getting to my earlier ancestors for the Nelson line., those before 1752 when the calendar changed. My question is how do I enter the correct date in my FTM program? I have it written on my index card as it is here. I believe I would enter this date as 26 Feb 1644. This does not change it to the Georgian calendar date, just leaves it that she was month on the 26th of Feb. Is this the best way to enter pre- 1752 dates?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

I just attended Cousin Russ' presentation on Find A Grave.

I just attended Cousin Russ' presentation on Find A Grave. Even though I use Find A Grave on a regular basis, I learned a lot about the "lesser know" (but no less important) features! Thanks Russ!

While we are talking about Spreadsheets

While we are talking about Spreadsheets. Jill Ball did a blog post on how she uses EXCEL and Google Sheets

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Great news: MyCanvas finds a new home in Alexander’s

Great news: MyCanvas finds a new home in Alexander’s
(Author: Eric Shoup)

This past June, we announced that we were retiring the MyCanvas website and service in September 2014.

We’ve heard from many people who love MyCanvas and hate the idea of it going away. Well, we have some good news for you: It’s not going away after all. We listened and decided not to retire MyCanvas, but instead transfer the website to Alexander’s.

Founded 35 years ago, Alexander’s is a Utah-based printing production company that has been the long-term printer of MyCanvas products including its genealogy books, calendars, and other printed products. This makes the transition of MyCanvas to Alexander’s a natural fit.

It’s our hope that this agreement will not change the experience for MyCanvas customers. In fact, Alexander’s plans to make some exciting improvements we think you’ll love. Additionally, MyCanvas will continue to be available from the website as we believe in the importance of sharing family history discoveries and see MyCanvas as a way to deliver this ability to our customers.

The transition of MyCanvas will take about six months. But in the meantime, all MyCanvas projects will remain accessible on until it moves over to Alexander’s next year. We will continue to communicate details as the transition moves forward.

We want to thank our loyal MyCanvas customers for all the projects you have built and printed with us over the years. We’re excited about this new owner of MyCanvas—and we think you will be too.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Just wanted to remind my genealogy friends that Cousin Russ will begiving a presentation on Wednesday about Find A...

Just wanted to remind my genealogy friends that Cousin Russ  will be giving a presentation on Wednesday about Find A Grave.  It is a free Webinar although space may be limited.  I use Find a Grave a lot and am looking forward to his information. This is not a hangout but here is the link to register

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Trello as a research tool.

Trello as a research tool.

I have been introduced to Trello recently. Haven't heard of it before, but am finding that many family researchers are using this program in their research.

Question of the Day

Do YOU use Trello? If so how?

Would like a discussion on this program.

Thank you,


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I can't find a video on creating a new source.

I can't find a video on creating a new source. I want to create a source and a citation for Sutton Genealogy Collection, Larry Bennett worked on it during his lifetime, put it on an old computer in the 1980's Sutton Historical Society Published it in. My word press blog has the source I will be using

I would like to create it in my FTM2014 and future use.

Monday, August 11, 2014

To all how helped with the recent Indexing project, anupdate

To all how helped with the recent Indexing project, an update

I have a question Russ.

I have a question Russ. In FTM I have put many facts in for my 2nd great grandfather but just realized that a lot of them should be shared facts with his wife. Is there a way I can change this?

Question of the Day:

Question of the Day:

How to handle unknown names in your Genealogy Database Management program?

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Question of the Day

Question of the Day

 Do you have a Research Log and do you keep it in your genealogy database management program?

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Question of the Day:

Question of the Day:

Do you use Facebook or other Social Media in your genealogy database management program? if so, HOW?

Friday, August 8, 2014

My system is Windows 7 Pro 64bit, FTM2014, workspace not sure.

My system is Windows 7 Pro 64bit, FTM2014, workspace not sure. After selecting a person in the People view. Go to the Person tab. Select Facts from the from the view menu. Once there if you right click on a individual facts line, the context menu has an option to merge duplicate facts. This is fantastic. My question is, is there a faster/better/auto way to do this? Is there a merge all for facts lurking somewhere?


Question of the Day - 08 Aug 2014

Question of the Day - 08 Aug 2014

What is the First Website do you use for Military Records and Why ?

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Question of the Day:

Question of the Day:

What Census Record Fields to you put into FACTS for a 1940 US Federal Census Record?

I am only asking about what FACTS do you include in your genealogy database from a 1940 US Federal Census Record. For each Fact, what do you enter in the Date field, Location field, and the Description field.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Question of the Day:

Question of the Day:

When recording information from a Census Record (US Federal for example) do you record the DATE at the top of that Census Page in your Residence FACT for that person?

Friday, August 1, 2014

What about Hosting a Hangout on Air?

What about Hosting a Hangout on Air?

Originally shared by DearMYRTLE

Cousin Russ and  I share our best advice about what type of Hangout on Air (recorded) video you wish to host. It depends on where you want to go. Is this a family interview, a society board meeting, or a 1on1 interview with a client?