Monday, June 2, 2014



I have a question about FTM14. I have trees on and I take advantage of the hints. I add the hints to my tree. When I download a gedcom file to import into RootsMagic the media and the source is lost. In reading your's and Randy's post about multiple trees on multiple web web sites, I have the impression if I sync my trees to FTM14 the source and a copy of the document would be in the FTM14  file. 

If this were true, I could then import the FTM file into RootsMagic and I would have the source and document in RootsMagic. Is this true or is it wishful thinking?



  1. Ray Burger 

    A GEDCOM from FTM2014 will contain LINKS, with Filenames of any Media Files in FTM2014.

    When that GEDCOM is opened by Roots Magic 6, it reads and understand those Media links AND Roots Magic 6 will FIND those files, as long as they are  on the SAME computer and create a Link from Roots Magic 6 to the Media file in the Media Folder in Family Tree Maker.

    I know it works, but have forgotten, exactly, if it's a Copy or a Link. I think a Link, but then you might be given and Option.

    The same works from Roots Magic 6 to Family Tree Maker. There you WILL have the option to Copy or Link.

    Oh, and neither program can read or open the other programs file. That is what I was agreeing with David about.

    What you may be missing is in the details of what I have tried to explain.

    Hope that helps,


  2. Thanks Russ, I finally get it. Both programs do a good job of reading each others gedcom files and do a better job at creating the files.

  3. Ray Burger 

    Please remember that most problems between genealogy database management programs WILL BE a GEDCOM. That technology is 10 to 15 years old and things have changed. Each program implements that "standard" differently in both Exporting and Importing.



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