Thursday, June 19, 2014

DearMYRTLE and I have a conversation about Cloud Syncing of ourGenealogy Databases

DearMYRTLE and I have a conversation about Cloud Syncing of our Genealogy Databases

Originally shared by DearMYRTLE

Good golly Miss Molly! Syncing to an Ancestry Member Tree is but one way to place a copy of your FTM data elsewhere. And what if you are using another genealogy database program?

Practical, down-to-earth advice for family historians. It's all about sharing the latest info for finding documents providing evidence of those elusive ancestors.


  1. I have a media file for my Family Historian Project where I keep the digital images linked to my tree. This file is located in Dropbox on my computer. It also stores the other information needed to open the project. When I have finished reorganizing my file I will sync it with the file on my laptop.

  2. Hilary Gadsby Good use of Dropbox.

    Thanks for sharing.



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