Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Question: Best practice gather information about a village or a city inFTM

Question: Best practice gather information about a village or a city in FTM

Have started to try out Evidentia and then you have something called subject which I understand can be a person, village or whatever you would like to gather information about.

If I e.g. find information about a house that more people live in. My understanding is that I in FTM create a fact Residency and that is connected to a person and I set the timeperiod that person lives in the house e.g.
Date 3 apr 1905 - 20 nov 1905 
Location: Kräbäck, Österfärnebo, Sweden

If I have another person that lives in the same period I can link this fact to that person

I can also decide to append information about the village Kräbäck....  to this fact

But if I have people that live during a different timeperiod I need to create more facts and need to add information about Kräbäck to all persons fact.... 

Is that correct or do you have a better way of gather information about a village during a timeperiod.....


  1. Best practices are YOUR choice. I record what the RECORDs reflect. I have never seen a Record that said a person live in a place for a period of time. By record I am not talking about a story or newspaper article. I might have 5 consecutive directories for that person being at that same location, but that it 5 enteries.

    As for place names, I use the built in Place Name Authority for the map feature AND handle Historic place names as I have indicated to you earlier.

    I do the same in Evidentia. Record what I see and cite my sources.


  2. Magnus Sälgö

    The SOURCE, the Church Book, may cover the period of 1880-1890, but that would NOT be considered that the family resided at that location during that time period. What DATE did the Priest Visit the Family. In your Moved In, Moved Out information,  would create TWO Residence Facts, with TWO Citations. In the Description I would put "Moved In" and in the 2nd "Moved Out". Both would included the DATE when they moved in and moved out. The nice thing about that is then in between those two years would have been the Priest visitations with the dates. Each Visitation with a DIFFERENT Citation. SAME SOURCE but different Citations.

    I know what best practice means, I am responding to you what MY best practice is using FTM2014.

    YOU can do what ever you want, what ever works for YOU is what is important to YOU.


  3. I think I get your point my newbie approach is that it "looks more clean" to have residence periods....  

    But maybe it is not correct as you say you have no proof that they lived at a place?!?! Or as you can see below you have to choose if you should trust that the law was followed which I feel most Swedish people doing genealogy do. I have to discuss this with more senior people doing genealogy in Sweden.....

    Swedish genealogy
    "According to the church law of 1686: ”Their names and time of moving in or out of the parish (shall be recorded)”" Much was due to the fact that it was necessary to know how many men there were to recruit to the army.

    Russ comment: "but that would NOT be considered that the family resided at that location during that time period." 

    ==> what you see in Sweden is not a census its tracking of people

    ( interesting to see that it is different for different countries, I have roots in Poland and in Beograd......)
    Maybe you are right that you can't trust it but my understanding is that if you moved you had to get a statement from the priest and he wrote that in the moved out or the moved in book. I also think there was a communication between different parish when a person moved. So they got confirmed that it was ok to move and also he didn't escape and also if he was already married or could get married.

    So in Sweden you have households books where you add move in/move out. You have other books where you just added when moved in and moved out. You also had passports if you should travel in Sweden.

    If a person was "lost" they were added to a special section in the books. One reason many people emigrated to the States was to escape the Swedish system/ some responsibilities for children/ some criminal records i the states you could start all over again ;-) 


    Thanks for your answer.

    I feel more confused and understand that you have to be careful when comparing different sources and also in different countries and during different time periods....

    What I am afraid of is doing totally wrong so I have to redo everything when I get better understanding.... maybe that is the name of the game that you never find the perfect way...


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