Thursday, May 8, 2014

I just posted this on my Blog, but I would like to see what the +CousinRuss Community might have to say about this.

I just posted this on my Blog, but I would like to see what the +Cousin Russ Community might have to say about this.

Thank you


  1. Cousin Russ, I have, and always have, made all of my Ancestry Trees public (I do have a few I do for friends/family that are private, not my call). I put a lock on the living and try to remember to do the same on copyrighted newspapers and material (in my FTM database). I like for other people to be able to see my work. I have thoroughly enjoyed the cousin connections I have made and even have a few Research Buddies as a result of my Ancestry Trees. The public are more than welcome to take whatever information connects to them and I really don't feel like they are "stealing" from me. Hopefully, they realize I have a few newbie mistakes still hanging in the tree. I love to do research and keep it as enjoyable as possible. I will never go pro or try to make money from it. Maybe I won't even do more than publish it on Ancestry, so it might as well live on in as many venues as possible. If having it in someone else's tree "immortalizes" my ancestors,  I say let my work live longer than me!

  2. For some reason I was unable to post directly to your blog using my Google+ profile. Maybe I have been banned...

  3. Barbara G 

    Thank you for your feedback on the blog post

    Now sure why you weren't able to post to the blog. It's been active all day today.

    Thank you,


  4. It was my Google account. I had to do some cache clearing and restart my computer. All good, now.


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