Monday, April 28, 2014

FTM2014 - How to handle the Race Fact

Originally shared by Cousin Russ


  1. Hi Russ. There is a faster way to lock the Race Fact for people that have it already in your FTM database.
    Go to Edit - Manage Facts - Race - Data Options [everyone should be selected if not select them] - check box "mark as private."

  2. Jane Haldeman 

    I hope that is what I showed in this video.

    Didn't I?


  3. Jane Haldeman 

    In this video, I had 4 people who had the Race Fact already. Setting the Default to Private will NOT mark previously entered FACT as Private. This goes for Any Fact. I wanted to show how I handled those previously entered FACTs.


  4. You did a great job showing how to set it so future "Race" facts would be set as Private. You also did a great job showing how to filter for Race and how to go to each individual and set that fact to private.

    What I found was another way to set multiple people with the Race fact as private all at once instead of having to go to each one individually.

    Both ways are good was to do it.

  5. Russ Worthington 
    You did a great job showing how to set it so future "Race" facts would be set as Private. You also did a great job showing how to filter for Race and how to go to each individual and set that fact to private.

    What I found was another way to set multiple people with the Race fact as private all at once instead of having to go to each one individually.

    Both ways are good was to do it.

  6. Jane Haldeman 

    How can you do it another way? Remember, I was trying to show that the 4 people already had the Race Fact in use BEFORE I made it the Default.

    There is another way using a Custom Report and using the Filter Feature and I have shown that one a couple of times.

    So, what's your way?

    Thank you,


  7. Jane Haldeman 

    How and where are you selecting every one in your database ?


  8. Russ Worthington
    Go to "edit" then "Manage Facts" and select "Race" as you did before, but instead of selecting "Properties" select "Data Options."

    It will ask you if you want to back up. After you back up or not, you will see the list of everyone in your file that has "Race" as a fact.

    You can select or deselect people.

    Among the check box options is "mark the selected facts as" with a drop-down for "private." 

    The click "ok."

  9. Jane Haldeman 

    Thank you. 

    I have had a bad experience with that option early on, so I don't use it. The only thing that saved me was the Back Up option that was offered.

    I generally don't post steps that MAY lead to other problems. That was one of them, from a much earlier version of FTM. 

    Thanks for that option.


  10. Russ Worthington

    Makes sense to hold off if you've had issues with this option, I haven't used it much. Like you I have my sample database that I use to test things and that's the one I used. 


  11. Jane Haldeman 

    Thank you for reminding me of that way to do this. I did another file using your process, which worked as expected, so I may use that approach in another video.

    There is yet another way, which would be the way I demonstrated Hiding my notes.

    Thanks again,



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