Thursday, February 12, 2015

Hi Russ.

Hi Russ...   Thought I'd share today's experience with FTM and AMT with you.  Recently found out that if you UPLOAD your FTM file to AMT in the hopes that any errors in the file will be fixed, and then download that AMT file to a newly created file in FTM, the TASKS are lost.  All 1600 of mine are not in my newly created FTM file.  I guess when FTM and AMT sync files, the TASKS are not touched, which is why FTM still has the TASKS in the FTM file, even if you'd made changes to you AMT.   This makes me wonder if one's FTM file is really totally backed up by the AMT file.    Thanks for listening... aka SAM


  1. Sam,

    I am not at home where I can run some tests.

    There is information in the AMT that you can NOT See,  but are in the tree.

    But, what you have said here, it sounds like something else is going on with your file.

    Do you Compact your file?

    Do you see Crashes while working with Family Tree Maker ?


  2. Yes, I agree, something else is going on with my file.  I do compact the file every time it crashes and I go back in.  But, I fear I've really corrupted the file by merging the other files into my original file.  I have sent the file to Ancestry, in the hopes that they might be able to find the corruption, and fix the file.  But, I'm not holding on to much hope.  I think I may have to start from scratch, but the only good thing here is that I'm able to open the "corrupted?" file and work from it.   But, keep your fingers crossed. 
    I think that once the link has been broken with the online tree, and then try to download the tree from AMT to FTM to a different (newly created tree), the tasks are not downloaded to the newly created tree, because what is being downloaded is from a GEDCOM on Ancestry, which is what has happened to me.

    I just tried it again last night.  I linked my Tree (that may be corrupted) to create a new Ancestry Tree.  I then unlinked that tree from my "corrupted?" FTM Tree.  I don't see an option to link the newly created Ancestry Tree to a newly created FTM Tree, other than downloading the newly created Ancestry Tree (via the "download" button).  And when I do that, I lose the Tasks.   
    I look forward to your comments when you try to test.


  3. Sharon Morrissey 

    Please go to the Online Help Center, Help menu in FTM2014, and enter


    into the key word search. Follow ALL of the steps in that Knowledge Base article for your version of Windows



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