Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A member of this community, Joe Bissett made this post:

A member of this community, Joe Bissett made this post:

Cousin Russ, my FTM2014/Ancestry files are a mess.  I have several iterations of my main family tree file, and some of them will no longer synch.  I want to clean this mess up.  How do I merge files on Ancestry and get everything back together with one file in each place?

I will respond to this post.


  1. Mr Bissett,

    Please remember that ONE file on your computer can only maintain ONE Ancestry Member Tree.

    Secondly, your Computer can have multiple FTM2014 files, EACH linked to different Ancestry Member Trees.

    Your question is NOT clear enough for me to answer.

    Please clarify:

    several iterations of my main family tree file

    What does that mean? How many FTM2014 Files are you talking about?

    Do you Compact AND Back Up your file(s) ?

    What happens when you do the SyncNow? Are you seeing Error Messages?

    What does "some of them will no longer synch" mean.

    I am trying to understand THIS part of your post.

    As I read your post, there is a second question that I will attempt to answer next.

    Thank you,


  2. Mr Bissett,

    Here is the 2nd part of your question:

    How do I merge files on Ancestry and get everything back together with one file in each place?

    How many Ancestry Member Trees do you have?

    There are no FILES on Ancestry. They are Ancestry Member Trees (AMT). Not ALL AMTs have related or linked files in the Family Tree Maker program.

    Also, it would be very helpful to understand what caused this problem.

    There are instructions on this problem in the Online Help Center. You can get there two ways.


    or the Help Menu in FTM2014, selecting Online Help Center

    Keyword search for


    That article and a subsequent link within that article should help you with the merge question.


  3. Cousin Russ, I need your help. I know you shared your Research Log Workbook with multiple sheets and I want to use it, but I can't find where it is located. Although I generally understand techie stuff, I am very confused by Google + and how to save posted items.

  4. Mary Butash -- The link is in the DearMYRTLE community under the Beginning Genealogy HOA's on Wednesday at Noon.

    Here is a link to the Google Sheets.


    Hope that helps,



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