Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Where to Ask me questions about Family Tree Maker. You got it, right HERE

Where to Ask me questions about Family Tree Maker. You got it, right HERE


  1. Already, someone asked to Join the Community, BUT there profile has nothing in it. Sorry

  2. And number 2 requested to join. Nothing on the Profile

  3. There was # 3. I guess I don't know how to communicate and how important the Google+ Profile is. These 3 people had no information in their profile. Sorry Folks. I see that we have nothing in common.

  4. Number 5. There was only a hint that the person might be interested in family research. Sorry, but your Profile has no indication of that interest.

  5. Am I serious about your Profile? Yes.

    I generally do not reject a request, I let them sit on the list. Review them from time to time to see if the Profile has been updated. I just cleared 144 Requests to Join THE Community. None had information on their Profiles. Again, the question is, Why do you want to join, and What common interest do we have to join this community. The only way I know that, is from other contacts that I might have had with you, or your Google+ Profile.

    Thank you,


  6. An update: 3 people of 14 requests I have accepted into this Community. The others had not information in their Google+ Profile that expressed interest in Genealogy, Family History or any related terms. I welcome the three new folks. Thank you

  7. Thanks for adding me. I didn’t want to lose access to your brilliant mind!!!

  8. Judy West Thank you. Don't know about that "mind" thing. But thank you


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