Monday, March 28, 2016


I purchased a new computer recently and want to transfer my FTM2014 database to the new box, but I don't have a serial number to type in to install the software. I do have my orginial downloaded file and the update that was also sent out last year, but it won't install without a serial number. I haven't been able to find what the orginial serial number was when I installed it.

I did email Ancestry support and they responded that I only had 30 days after purchase to put another copy on a second computer, but at the time of purchase, about 2 years ago, I had only one computer.

When you transferred your data to a new computer, did you have to buy a new copy of FTM2014? I vaguely remember you talked about it in one of the HOA's, but have not had luck finding that video.

Do you have any suggestions for me? It sounds like I will need to buy a new copy to put on my new computer as that box will become my main machine for genealogy research.

BTW, I appreciate your recent hangouts on FTM. Very nice hints to make our work more efficient. Thank You!!


  1. Because I upgrade computers more frequently than most people, I have made it a habit that every time I buy software, I save a copy of the confirmation email with the license number as a PDF into a folder on Dropbox called "licenses". It makes life a lot easier when I need to install on a new machine.

  2. Thank GOD I found my copy of the email with the serial number on it.

  3. By golly, I found the old email from Nova, so now I can install FTM on my new machine. I've also copied it over into Evernote. I usually do that for things of this nature, but I don't think I was using Evernote at that time. And as for retaining emails, I pop my email off of my provider's server and keep it on my hard drive. Good thing because starting late last year, my provider 'trims' old email off their servers, and only retains email back through 2014. I had purchased FTM in December of 2013, so the email was no longer on the companies mail server. But it was in my pst on my hard drive. Something to be aware of when you want to keep older emails for reference. Save in more than one place.


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