Friday, July 28, 2017

Observations following in distribution of FTM2017

Observations following in distribution of FTM2017


  1. Am doing some cleanup of my files and notice that the [tree name].ftmb for the backups of my FTM trees all list the file type as FTM Backup File 2014.1. The new backups made with the new 2017 Build 1343 have that same file type label in the details folder view. Do your FTM backups have the same file type? Just surprised that they were not labeled as 2017. Thanks for the work that you do to keep us on top of all things FTM.

  2. Susan Bleimehl - are you talking about Automatic Back Ups or manually created Back Ups. Both carry FTMB file extensions?

    I always make sure that my Manually Created Back Ups include 2017 and 1343 in your example, followed by the system proved date, 2017-07-29 and I add the Time after the date.

    I would check the Help, About, to make sure the version you are doing, then while that file is open, do a Compact and Back Up and see what is there.

    Also, check the FILE Name that you have open. You may have 2014.1 in the Filename


  3. This is from the Help > About. Pretty sure this is the most current version. I did do some Test Drive testing and then got the email for the final release, downloaded it and installed it. All went smoothly, no issues at all.

  4. This is a snip of my file explorer. It shows a sequence of work I did in FTM this afternoon. The date that is listed in the FTM tree file name is not relavant to this discussion. It was a date automatically give to it when up-dating 2014 a year or so ago. I just never changed the name.

    It is the column Type - circled in red - that I find puzzling. It clearly states it is a backup file. (.ftmb) It's the ending of 2014.1 that is confusing to me. Those backups are all manually done and from the file size, I can see that it contains the media files in it. (Red pen)

    In the blue pen you can see the automatic backup (again, an .ftmb) that was preformed when I closed the program, small in size as no media, etc. is included. That type of backup also has the 2014.1 ending.

    In the black pen is the tree (.ftm) and that type is clearly labeled as a 2017 file.

    The rtf files are my sync logs which I do often as I add info to FTM.

    Usually I have the file type column skinnied down and so do not see the info that is included there. When I was doing some clean-up yesterday, I noticed the backup files had the 2014.1 designation and wondered if you had noticed that on your files also.

    I am not overly concerned about the naming of the Type column, but I must admit that I have not tried a restore of the database since installing FTM 2017. I'll put that on my to-do list for tomorrow.

    Thanks for any feedback.

  5. Susan,

    What version of Windows are you using ?


  6. I think your Windows, File Association, settings has FTMB pointing to FTM2014.1 and the FTM file extension pointing to FTM2017

  7. Bingo!! You hit the nail on the head. I never even thought about the file association and when I checked, it was indeed associated with 2014. Nice simple fix. Thanks for being a great mentor for this software program. Also, I am on Windows 10. Just last night the newest version downloaded and installed and today is working just fine.


  8. Susan Bleimehl

    Great. Thanks for letting us know.

    Good luck,



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