Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Now the Video should work

Now the Video should work


  1. I had posted comments, but they are gone. Reposting shortly

  2. Poll 1: Frequency of Office Hours (1 question) Edit Delete
    How often would you like to see "Office Hours" ? (Single Choice)
    Answer 1: Once a Week
    Answer 2: Once a Month
    Answer 3: As Required
    Answer 4: Not Interested

    Poll 2: Time of Office Hours (1 question) Edit Delete
    Understand that no time is good for everyone, but (ALL TIMES EASTERN). Duration to be determined (Single Choice)
    Answer 1: 12:00 Noon
    Answer 2: 9:00 PM
    Answer 3: Random, depend on Subject

    Poll 3: Day of the Week (1 question) Edit Delete
    No day is good for everyone (Single Choice)
    Answer 1: Monday (9:00 pm)
    Answer 2: Thursday (12:00 noon)
    Answer 3: Thursday (9:00 pm)

    Poll 4: Agenda (1 question) Edit Delete
    1. Webinar Subjects (Multiple Choice)
    Answer 1: Presentation of Feature
    Answer 2: User Asked Question
    Answer 3: Open Discussion

    Please leave your comments and preferences here.

    Thank you

    Cousin Russ

    PS - sorry for the recording error

  3. 1) Once a week is good; 2) 9 pm; 3) Monday or Tuesday; 4) Presentation with open discussion in a small group (<10) or user asked questions (>10)

  4. 1) Once a week; 2)noon or 9pm; 3) Thursday 4) User asked questions and then presentation of feature.

  5. Thank you Dave and Sharon for your responses.


Please leave your comments here.