Sunday, December 23, 2018

FTM-2017 Office Hours

FTM-2017 Office Hours

I have been thinking of having Office Hours. A specific date and time to talk about the Family Tree Maker program, using the Zoom Meeting or Zoom Webinar platform.

For testing purposes, they would start from this Community, it pay or may not be recorded. If it is recorded, it would be published on the Blog.

In that this community will go away in a couple of months, ultimately these meetings will move over to the Blog, probably another Tab on the blog.

The Webinar Platform will be the normal platform, but some informal discussions will have to take place on the Meeting Platform.

A "normal" meeting date and time, hopefully, will be established, remembering that the recordings would be available.

The Zoom Platform is an easy to use Video Platform. Screen Sharing is fantastic, and the platform is very stable.

It has a Typed Chat, Audio and Video capability. A Wired Connection between your computer and the internet is RECOMMENDED, Headset should be used, and a WebCam.

IF there is any interest is doing this, please leave a Comment. IF you specifically want to help test this concept out, make that known in the Comments. I am thinking of a Test Run the week between Christmas and New Years.

Its a concept I have thought about for a long time, just did not have the right platform, and with the Community going away, I wanted to find a replacement platform.

A Tab on the Blog will probably be the new home, but have to make sure that it will technically work.

Please leave your comments.


  1. I'm interested in participating, but would depend on the dates and times.

  2. Fantastic idea Russ! I too would like to participate. For me, at first, I would like to be a part of the viewers, rather than being an active panel member. Keep us posted as to day and time.

  3. Russ Worthington
    I'm always interested to see people using Zoom so I'll be following this with interest.Let me know if I can help in any way.

  4. Andrew Hatchett - after our Zoom Chats and to follow what you have been doing, I thought I would give it a try. As I said, It would have to move from here to a new Tab on the Blog. It was your inspiration. Thank you

  5. I have thought of using zoom for family reunion planning and potentially to have a distributed reunion. My understanding is it requires a link or invitation to a session. Will your blog provide that?
    When g+ is gone I will need to find your blog. I keep losing the favorites I saved for it.

  6. Allen Hulse The BLOG will NOT be gone. This community will be. Zoom would work wonders for planning a reunion. Yes, the Zoom account holder, would need to provide a link to join. I will be providing that link for the purposes of what I am talking about here. DearMYRTLE and I have been using this platform for a year. There are a number of features in the Webinar option vs the Meeting Option. The Meeting option is free, easy to set up and run. The Webinar option has an expense but many more features, mostly behind the scenes. The key to both is Ease of Use and the Quality


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