Thursday, December 21, 2017

I have a question -- I am using FamilyTreeMaker 2017 with windows 10and have a large tree on Ancestry.

I have a question -- 

I am using FamilyTreeMaker 2017 with windows 10 and have a large tree on Ancestry. I was trying to replace an older tree BUCHHOLZ-CLARKSON2017 with my latest FTM tree, so I downloaded from Ancestry. Luckily I have not deleted the older tree, even though I upload a NEW tree BUCHHOLZ-CLARKSON2017 Dec, 2017. 

Lucky because that new tree does not have any media where as the older tree has 1845. I think I used the advice to just sync between FTM and Ancestry this time. But earlier I use the downloading of a GED from the older tree. Neither gave me the media records. I intend to get my tree all downloaded and then delete the extra tree. 

How do I get the media into my FTM2017. 

Thanks, MaryinSD


  1. Mary Buchholz

    Is the file in FTM2017, before you did the download, Current ? Was it uploaded and in Sync with an Ancestry Member Tree (AMT)? If that file in FTM2017 is up to date, but NOT uploaded to a new AMT, why not just do that.

    Then you can Delete the out dated AMT.

    Did you use the Upload and Sync feature, addressing the no Media Files, or did you upload a GEDCOM ? As I hope you know, a GEDCOM file does NOT include any images. New has, most likely never will.

    When you did the download, did you wait to see Media Complete in the Plan Workspace ?

    There is NO ONE WAY SYNC


  2. Cousin Russ Ok I synced or downloaded the family tree and Media thru the software. Worked fine except for already "missing link" media that was already missing (I knew about those ). Those photos and documents are on my computer but not linked to my ftm tree. Is there any simple (like not one by one) way to move the media files or to relink these files without doing them one at a time. There are 1800 of them. Thanks for your time, Mary

  3. Mary Buchholz But, did you see MEDIA COMPLETE in the Plan Workspace ???? The Data comes down first, then, in the background, the Media files are downloaded. You want to watch for Media Complete in the Plan Workspace



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