Saturday, August 29, 2015

Update on the FTM2014 Web Merge Feature

Update on the FTM2014 Web Merge Feature


  1. Boy, Russ, I can see how upsetting this could be, if you're not a dot the "i" and cross the "t" person.  Discarding isn't a good default option; better to keep the info and clean it up later if you really don't want it.  Wow ... I think whoever did this update to FTM 2014 missed the boat a little.

  2. Sharon Morrissey -- This isn't just FTM2014. If you look, the SAME thing can happen with an Ancestry Member Tree, doing the SAME task. From what I can tell, it's the Ancestry Website, and me "stuff" we can't see is causing this, and from what I can tell, it was driven by End Users. Can't explain it, only report what I see.

    I normally would not do a series of Blog posts on a topic like this, but I felt very concerned about the QuickClick / in experienced users of either FTM2014 or Ancestry Member Trees what was in this change.

    As I said a couple of times in these blog posts, it doesn't effect what I do, because I have always watch very carefully my choices. I specially bring this up when I teach FTM2014.

    It's not a matter of dotting the "i"'s as much  as it is to Read the Screens as they are presented to us.

    Good luck



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