Tuesday, August 25, 2015

FTM2014 and DNA Results

FTM2014 and DNA Results


  1. In order to have DNA Circles for a test, that test has to be attached to a public tree.   One can have NADs (New Ancestor Discoveries) with the test attached to a private tree, but for Circles the tree must be public.

    Even though the cousin-by-marriage has no Circles, do they get any NADs?

    In order to keep some information private in some of my trees, relatives for whom I have had tested at AncestryDNA I have now created a public copy of the large private family tree in which they belong, just so I can attach their tests to a public tree.  This helps me (gives me Circles) and helps their DNA matches (who can now see green leaf hints without having to email me.)

  2. Puzzled Researcher -

    I didn't have circles when the tree was public. AND my PRIVATE Tree does have a New Ancestor Discovery. That one was way out of line. Have no clue how that "NAD" fits anywhere.

    My cousin is in my tree, as I have researched that family as well.

    The question that I was asked, is how do I handle FTM2014 and my Ancestry Member Tree. If other Users would NOT have taken copies of my photographs, it would be public. The AMT is "cousin bait" for me. I WANT that conversation or email request.


  3. Circles at AncestryDNA appear to be rather fickle.   However, in the tests I manage I have notice some new Circles popping up in the past couple of months.

    I too had most of my trees private.  I still have 3 DNA tests attached to private trees for various reasons.    And I too want the matches to contact me, if they see my tree is private.

    But very few have.   I reach out to matches at least 10x as much as I get contacted by others.

    It appears most customers just won't want to message.

    Reading various forums, such as the ones  on ancestry.com, and Facebook, I see many customers lamenting all the private trees.   Many of these people posting seem quite perturbed about all the private trees in their match list, and impulsively they want to throw away the matches to private trees rather than spend the 5 minutes to message their match with the private tree.

    So that is one reason I now have 3 tests attached to public trees.

    My latest test attached to a public tree, test results received just a couple of weeks ago, resulted in the creation of a couple of new Circles.   I can tell this because  these Circles just have three family-units (the minimum needed to create a Circle.)  Without him these Circles would thus not exist.   And he is the 4th family-unit for a couple more Circles, which are obviously still thus fragile and emerging.


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