Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The football player Merlin Olsen is a relative of mine, but I'm notsure of the lineage.

The football player Merlin Olsen is a relative of mine, but I'm not sure of the lineage. His mother's maiden name is Barrus. A fairly common, but local name to Salt Lake City. Any suggestions on my search?


  1. Mark Barrus 

    I would look on familysearch.org. I would first look for a Census Record, especially if you know other names to help put her into context with family. I mention Family Search, because it's free.

    Just a word of caution, familysearch.org puts records online before they are indexed, but you can tell if they are or are not indexed (searchable). Browsing is a good way to look at well.

    See if that will get you started. 

    Oh, and you'll have to join the Genealogy Game Show, when you have a chance.


  2. Always a pleasure Russ Worthington​. Merlin and his brother Phil both played for the Los Angeles Rams. Merlin went on to TV and broadcasting careers. Merlin was a really nice guy off the field but a mean you know what as a defensive lineman

  3. Oh yeah. I remember Mr. Olsen. Have you met him?

  4. No we never met before he passed away

  5. I found out that we have Benjamin Barrus in common. My GGGG grandfather.

  6. I'm related to Benjamin's son Emery.


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