Wednesday, May 6, 2015

This is to announce Office Hours for 05/06/15 - 10:30 PM Eastern

This is to announce Office Hours for 05/06/15 - 10:30 PM Eastern

I will have Office Hours for an hour, more or less. The main topic will be Managing Record Matches from My Heritage with Roots Magic 7. Randy Seaver will join me it talking about this.

This discussion may be recorded, it has been set up that way.

There will be a separate posting with the Video.

If you are interested in joining, please let me know in the comments here, and I will invite you (up to 8 other people) at about 10:30 Eastern.

(trying something new and different tonight)


  1. Russ just had a question on the template you are using for sources/ciatation..

  2. Claire V Brisson-Banks -- Which Template, there are about 179 of them in Family Tree Maker. My blog has many of them.

    When I open the office hours, why not join ?

    I do want to have the recording with Randy.


  3. I have nothing to add, but would like to just watch and listen.  Is that possible?

  4. Kenneth Robison - When we go live, you will be able to. When I open the "office" you can join in the conversation in the Hangout, before we start the recording. We talk a lot, but the focus will be on Randy. I'll probably open the office early to chat.

    Thank you,


  5. I'd like to watch.  I don't use MyHeritage or RootsMagic, but you guys always have good ideas.

  6. Claire V Brisson-Banks hope that helped

  7. Sounds interesting. Can I just watch?

  8. I am here. Wasn't able to make the link work.shall I try again?

  9. Maybe I need to look somewhere for an invitation?

  10. the YouTube should be up in awhile...

  11. I got to see it on YouTube. You did a good job! Thanks for all your efforts.


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